Azad Hind Fauj
Azad Hind Fauj Led by Shah Nawaz Khan, it successfully protected the Japanese flanks against Chin and Kashin guerrillas as Renya Mutaguchi's three divisions crossed the Chindwin river and the Naga Hills, and took part in the main offensive by way of Tamu in the path of Imphal and Kohima. Kiani, Azad Hind Fauj Facing issues in the British mainland and unable to muster enough forces of collaboration or coercion, the Cabinet mission of 1946 was sent to negotiate the switch of power. Some historians cite Auchinleck's personal evaluation of the situation to suggest this shortened the Raj by a minimum of fifteen to twenty years. Clement Attlee, the British prime minister, reflecting on the factors that guided the British decision to relinquish the Raj in India, is claimed to have cited the effects of the INA and Bose's actions on the British-Indian Army and the Bombay Mutiny as being the most important.